Pi-Star Downloads

Images available to Download
Please see the new download location at http://www.pistar.uk/downloads

Remember, all you need to do, is download the zipped version of the image
that is most suitable for your Pi / Single Board Computer, Unzip the
download, and then flash the image to your SD card (using your prefered
image writing tool - see links below for some basic instructions), boot the
Pi, wait 30-40 secs and then login to the admin portal in order to finish
the setup your Pi-Star.

For help getting started, see this *EXCELLENT* video by Craig (W1MSG): Here

Windows Imaging Guide: Here
Mac OS Imaging Guide: Here
Linux Imaging Guide: Here

here: http://pi-star.local/admin/

Default Username: pi-star
Default Password: raspberry

For support, please check out our Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pistarusergroup/
And the Wiki: http://wiki.pistar.uk.

See below for a screenshot of the Pi-Star Dashboard
and below that for the changelog

"RPi" images are for Raspberry Pi Foundation hardware (Raspberry Pi).
"NanoPi" images are for Friendlyarm "Nano Pi Neo" and "Nano Pi Neo Air".
"OdroidXU4" images are for Odroid "XU 3" and "XU 4".

Change Log
16-Feb-2024 **Version 4.2.1** - Available for Download or Upgrade.
    This version addresses some issues with the nextiondriver.service
        unit file, and with NextionDriver in general. I had
        not actually intended to include the unit file with
        4.2.0, but it's there, so to clean that up, we need
        a minor upgrade.
    While working on NextionDriver, I also noticed an issue with
        4.2.0 not always syncing the time correctly.
        This update also addresses NTP issues in the 4.2.0
    Additional disk cleaning is done in the release image,
        reducing the image size slightly.

05-Feb-2024 **Version 4.2.0** - Available for Download.
    This release upgrades the base OS from Buster to Bullseye.
        Binaries / Dashboard are all the same as 4.1.x chain.
        There will be some of you that need (for some reason)
        to use the older binary set, if that happens to be
        the case, check out this post on the forum:
    On the NanoPi / OrangePi and Odroid releases, the kernels
        are now updated as part of normal OS updates.
    Along with the "Legacy" branch should you need them, there
        is also now a "Testing" that is going to keep pace
        with the upstream releases, so now any of you can
        take part in the testing of new packages.
    If you have a 4.2.0 Beta image installed, you can keep using
        it so long as it's working OK for you, the last bug
        that has been crushed relates to Wi-Fi on the
        Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, it would drop the Wi-Fi after
        a few hours, if you are seeing that, re-flash with the
        current release.

21-Jan-2024 **Version 4.1.8** - Availble for Download.
    This it is not possible to in-place upgrade and get the changes
        that matter in this download, the /boot volume has
        been 64MB in size for many years, and before there
        were too many versions of Raspberry Pi boards, this
        was fine. The ever growing number of kernels and
        systems supported by Raspbian means that 64MB is just
        not large enough any more.
    This change to the size of /boot (up to 256MB) also requires
        that I lift the minimum uSD card size to 4GB (it has
        been 2G since Pi-Star launched 10 years ago). This is
        the start of a lot of work to take Pi-Star past some
        of the baked in decisions from years ago that have made
        upgrades painful.
    If you have a working system, upgrade to 4.1.8, but don't rush
        to re-image, 4.2.0 is on the horizon, bumping the OS
        to bullseye, and paving the way for what comes next.
    Those of you waiting for bookworm, well you need to wait just
        a little bit longer, we need a stable realease on
        bullseye out, before we get too radical.
    New binaries are coming soon, I wanted to get some of the long
        standing issues cured before pushing those, I will
        re-spin the images once they land.

18-Jan-2024 **Version 4.1.8** - Availble for Upgrade.
    Bringing in M17 components, it's not configurable on the dash
        yet, but that is coming soon. First bring in the parts
        to make the service work, and pull in audio files etc.
    More work is required, but the basics of the dash changes are
        done, still to-do update config page and the repeater
        info pannel. Thos should get pulled in over the next
        few days.

05-Jan-2024 **Version 4.1.7** - Available for download and upgrade.
    It has beeen a while since I pushed a full update. Mostly that
        has been owing the to the very stable nature of the
        current build, however, it was getting to have some
        issues creep in.
    What is new? - Actually nothing new, this update us just fixing
        the expired keys for the apt repos. This caused the OS
        and other packages not to get some updates.
        Upgrade to 4.1.7 from the dashboard (it's faster) and
        the new keys get installed, allowing all of the update
        goodness to function once more.
    I know this is not terribly exciting, but there are other things
        being worked on that are more exciting, more news on that

12-Nov-2021 **Version 4.1.6** - Available for download and upgrade.
    Create the DGIdGateway Unit for systemd, and add the default
        config file for DGIdGateway.

20-Jun-2021 **Version 4.1.5** - Available for download and upgrade.
    Improve the uPNP Unit for systemd.

03-Feb-2021 **Version 4.1.4** - Available for download and upgrade.
    Add in the APRSGateway, this is the start of the move to a single
        daemon for communicating with aprs.fi, in the past every
        gateway process would talk to aprs.fi on its own, this
        should help reduce the load on aprs.fi servers too.
    Update Nags - they are nags, no doubt, but think of them more like
        a nudge to tell you when there is a new version to upgrade
        to, and of course once you are at the current version, no
        more nagging :).
    The AutoAP feature, when triggered in the pre-configuration mode
        so when you booted your Pi-Star for the very first time,
        the AP will come up called "Pi-Star-Setup" and will
        have NO security set, no PSK etc to make it easy to connect.
        WHY - to make the setup simple, and it fits well with the
        captive portal setup that directs you straight to the config
        page. On the dashboard you can now set the PSK for the AutoAP
        and when you do that will enable WPA2 at the same time.

07-Dec-2020 **Version 4.1.3** - Available as an upgrade.
    Randomise the daily housekeeping witin a 2 hour window.
        This should help reduce the very spikey server load seen
        on the update server, and stop users getting DMR ID only
        on the dashboard if the Pi was un-able to download the
        updated DMR database.

20-May-2020 **Version 4.1.2** - Available for download, and as an upgrade.
    Fixed up some Raspbian services that were complaining on every boot,
        This was the rfkill service and the exim MTA. Both were
        broken, probably since the move to Raspian Buster, so this
        is housekeeping.
    Added the MobileGPS service, this is a service for using USB GPS
        dongles to update the position information in MMDVMHost
        and YSFGateway. Support in ircDDBGateway will follow soon.
    Similar to the housekeeping above, some other minor changes in relation
        to the migration to Buster, this time in /boot/config.txt.
        This brings our version closer in-line with the OEM version
        and removes/renames some features in line with the upstream
    Captive-Portal, this brings better support for configuraton via the
        on-board AutoAP feature.

02-May-2020 **Version 4.1.1** - Available as an upgrade only (images coming
    soon...) This version adds some missing WiFi drivers, the version
    upgrade is actually very small in this case, however at the same time
    I also released a lot of other updates / upgrades to the system.

    YSF2DMR/YSF2P25/YSF2NXDN/DMR2YSF - all of the cross-over modes that
        include YSF functionality have been mis-behaving on some new
        Yaesu Radios, looks like Yaesu require some additional fields
        in the YSF headder. Credit for fixing this goes to Douglas
        AD8DP for writing a patch for DMR2YSF, I was able to work up
        some patches for the YSF2xxx modes based on his work.

    YSF Link Manager - After a conversation with Jonathan (G4KLX) he very
        kindly added remote control support into the gateway apps
        such that the target can be controlled from the command line.
        So now we have a working YSF Link manager that can swap the
        active target without needing to restart the serivce - nice.

    DMRGateway - Upgraded to the current release, this includes Dynamic TG
        re-writing for you to experiment with.

26-Mar-2020 **Version 4.1.0** - Available for download from today, version
    4.1.0 is available for Raspberry Pi hardware. All the Pi-Star features
    you know and love, plus a new operating system, moving Pi-Star to the
    the newer "Buster" OS.

    4.1.0 has the most up-to-date versions of all of the software used for
        digital comms, including some customised versions in some cases
        including DMR2YSF cross-over code that should help those users
        using reflectors that link back to WiresX.

    Cross-Over modes are generally better in Pi-Star 4.1.x and have much
        improved code, making it possible to drive the YSF platform
        from the radio, such that when you use a YSF2xxx cross-over
        mode, the commands are properly passed into the sub mode.
        For example using YSF2DMR, you can choose the YSF2DMR mode
        from your Yaesu radio, and then choose the talk group and link
        to it. This makes using these cross-over modes a joy rather
        than a hastle.

    The move to "Buster" has been painfull, issues with time sync
        and WiFi and Pi4 hardware support was troublesome, however
        every cloud has a silver lining and the lessons we learned here
        will be crucial to Pi-Star versions in the future.

11-Jan-2019 **Version 4.0.0-RC2** - Available at the Beta download location
    OS changed to Raspbian Stretch (from Jesse).
        Updating the base OS brings better support for a few things, and
        some minor challenges too, but it should look / feel and work just
        the same way it always did.
    Image auto expand - the first time you boot a fresh image, it will auto
        expand the file system, so that you dont have to, it all happens
        pretty quickly, so much so that you might not even notice.
    NTP Support Improved
        NTP support has been improved, Pi-Star should do a much improved
        job of jumping to the correct time after boot up, and staying
        on time correctly.
    Current DStarRepeater / ircDDBGateway software, keeping Pi-Star close to
        the bleeding edge for these platforms, including terminal support
        for Icom radios that support it.
    Unified image for all models of Raspberry Pi Foundation hardware, finally
        bringing back the single image for all devices again, and taking
        the Raspberry Pi 3B+ out of beta, also adding in support for the
        Raspberry Pi 3A+ too.
    Improved screen when booting up, its now more obvious that you should
        not be using the console to interact with the Pi. I hope that
        doing that will help first time users see what to do.
    Additional hardening to nginx to stop it being broken by OS updates.

09-Jan-2019 **Version 3.4.17**
    Service startup timers tweeked to improve (reduce) boot time.
        Already available as an upgrade, images coming soon.
    Odroid XU4 gets a new kernel
    NanoPi Neo gets a new kernel and improved GPIO support.
    Orange Pi Zero gets a new kernel and improved GPIO support.

27-Dec-2018 **Version 3.4.16 - Respin**
    Pre-Updated with the most recent changes.

16-Dec-2018 **Version 3.4.16 - Respin**
    Updated to the current dashboard release, minor bug fixes, current binaries
        current OS updates / patches etc.

10-Aug-2018 **Version 3.4.16**
    Adding POCSAG paging support to Pi-Star, while we look at paging as an old
        technology today, the one-way nature of paging still has a use
        today. This release has been delayed while we properly fixed up the
        system and removed a few bugs - including an issue recently found
        with the Auto_AP function (now resolved).

29-May-2018 **Version 3.4.15**
    Adding DMR2NXDN - with this release DMR2NXDN is now available to use on Pi-Star
        this brings the cross mode from DMR on the RF side to NXDN on the

28-May-2018 **Version 3.4.14**
    Adding DMR2YSF - with this release DMR2YSF is now available to use on Pi-Star
        this brings the cross mode from DMR on the RF side to YSF on the

23-May-2018 **Version 3.4.13 - Images**
    While we have released 3.4.12/3.4.13 as upgrades, we have held off making
        images for a while, this was mostly to allow the new features to
        mature a little before pushing them out. So what's new....
    Many new features have been added, many fixes to existing parts of the
        system too. Full integration of YSF2DMR, YSF2NXDN and YSF2P25.
        These are not transcoding, more re-wrapping the voice data, this
        allows for a YSF radio to be able to use DMR, NXDN and P25 (P25
        requires your YSF radio to be set to VW mode, while everything
        else on YSF requires DN mode).
    Full NXDN Gateway support arrived in 3.4.12, previously Pi-Star was limited
        to the single initial 65000 test reflector, that has since become
        WorldWide for NDXN, but from here on we have the full complement
        of available NXDN gateways.
    uPNP control has been added so that you can turn OFF uPNP, it has been on by
        default since the start of the Pi-Star project, but finally you can have
        some control over it from the dashboard.
    As before the Pi3 B+ is still not supported by the main image, although a
        new spin for that model will be avilable in the beta section shortly.
        Pi3 B+ Image location: http://www.pistar.uk/beta

17-Mar-2018 **Version 3.4.11 - Respin**
    Just re-creating the images with the current dashbaord / binaries already
        included, this also improves the WiFi settings page when using the
        new AutoAP feature.
    Raspberry Pi3 B+ is NOT supported by this image, although you will find a
        beta version of the image with basic support for the B+ model at
        the following location: http://www.pistar.uk/beta

06-Mar-2018 **Version 3.4.11**
    AutoAP is a new feature supported on Pi3 and Pi Zero W (there is some
        support for other WiFi dongles too, but its VERY limited to the
        exact chipset on the card. So what does AutoAP do I hear you ask?
        Simply put, if you have AutoAP enabled, Pi-Star will attempt to
        connect to any configured WiFi it already knows about, but if
        this fails for 120 secs after boot up, it will start it's own
        access point, giving you a method to connect to the device over
        WiFi to configure another network.
        There may be times when you may find it more appropriate to
        connect the Pi-Star over Ethernet, in this case when you connect
        to the Pi-Star's access point, you can share the wired connection
        with devices over WiFi. Further this also works for teathered
        connections too!
    The usual host of updates to the on-board binaries, dashboard, host files
        and of course OS patches too.

24-Feb-2018 **Version 3.4.10**
    NXDN has now been added to MMDVMHost, there is no NXDN Gateway service
        yet but that is supposed to be coming soon. In the mean time
        the service has been hard coded to use the single public
        reflector for you all to start using the service. Keep in mind
        that NXDN IDs are 2 bytes long, 0-65533.
    P25Gateway & P25Parrot upgraded to the current release. This fixes
        a very minor long-standing P25Parrot bug, it also removes the
        logging requirement for the P25Parrot, removing the need for
        Pi-Star to maintain patches for the build process.
    YSFGateway & P25Parrot upgraded to the current release. This fixes
        a small update that removes the logging requirement for the
        YSFParrot, removing the need for Pi-Star to maintain patches for
        the build process.
        While working on this I found a related bug in the way that Pi-Star
        implements the YSFParrot that caused me some issues while testing
        the YSF2DMR. YSFParrot service handler and config have now been sorted
    YSF2DMR binary has now been included, along with service handlers, this is
        now fully integrated into Pi-Star.
    As usual these are all accompanied by MANY dashboard improvements...

28-Jan-2018 **Version 3.4.9**
    USB-ModeSwitch has been upgraded from Debian Backports, this improves
        the operation of USB 3G/4G sticks. This is only a small change
        but it requires a version bump to make it avilable as an update
        to existing Pi-Star units.

21-Jan-2018 **Version 3.4.8 Respin**
    This is just a respin of 3.4.8, including Raspbian updates, notably PHP has
        been updated in raspbian and a few users had that break during a
        manual update cycle, so this release has those patches already
    Dashboard at the current build as are the radio related binaries, this
        includes the update to P25Gateway.

01-Dec-2017 **Version 3.4.8**
    Shellinabox (the web bassed SSH client built into the expert menu) has now
        been patched up so that the $quot;-" char is passed correctly
        by firefox and other browsers.
    Dashboard improvements that include the option to force D-Star XRF reflectors
        to connect using DPlus protocol.

30-Nov-2017 **Version 3.4.7**
    Minor changes to the OS to allow USB tethering to iPhone and other devices
    Modeswitch command / data added to start provding the ability to use USB
        tethering for some MiFi devices, along with starting to add the
        suport framework for 3G/4G dongles. Some of these may work, most
        of them probably still do not. Your milage may vary.

24-Nov-2017 **Version 3.4.6 Respin**
    Respint to produce new images after the recent changes to MMDVMHost
        these changes add alternative screen support, and make some
        changes to the config for MMDVMHost in the System Fusion section.

    Improved WiFi support for Nano Pi / Orange Pi / Odroid.

    The OS is also updated with all current patches etc.

03-Nov-2017 **Version 3.4.6 Respin**
    Respin to account for a bug in the P25Parrot binary causing it to create
        the log files in the wrong folder.

02-Nov-2017 **Version 3.4.6**
    The only change is to /etc/motd to adjust the text output for the WebSSH
    This build also includes all the recent updates to MMDVMHost / YSFCliens
        along with the usual changes / updates to the dashboard, OS,
        host files etc.

30-Oct-2017 **Version 3.4.5 Respin**
    No new features, just adding updated images.

10-Oct-2017 **Version 3.4.5 Respin**
    RPi Version - Again nothing really new here, just updated to the
        current update / patch level.
    NanoPi Neo / NanoPi Neo Air - Added wiringPi support for full GPIO
        support on this platform - this brings it in-line with RPi.
    OrangePi Zero - Added wiringPi support for full GPIO support on this
        platform - this brings it in-line with RPi.
    Odroid XU4 - Mainline Kernel (4.9.x), wiringPi support - support for
        this platform is now much closer to that of the RPi hardware.
        There is however still outstanding work to be done on the eMMC
        support, that is still lacking in this build, more on that soon.

29-Sep-2017 **Version 3.4.5 Respin**
    RPi Version - Nothing new, just made some changes to my release build
        scripts here; md5sum is now included inside the zip, so it
        will not show up on the download page any more.
    NanoPi Neo / NanoPi Neo Air - Improved WiFi driver support to include
        the MT7601 (again). Support had been included for this module
        previously, but it had been broken by the recent kernel changes.
    Odroid XU4 - Improved WiFi driver support to include
        the MT7601 (again). Support had been included for this module
        previously, but it had been broken by the recent kernel changes.
    OrangePi Zero - Firmware moved from Beta to Release. Factory heatsync on
        this board is on the small side, concider using a fan or using
        a larger heatsync that stock.

24-Sep-2017 **Version 3.4.5 Respin**
    Just re-creating the images, no special new features at this point.
        NanoPi Neo and NanoPi Neo Air have new Kernels that fix up
        some of the long standing issues with these platforms,
        this includes improved GPIO support, improved USB device
        support on the NanoPi Neo.

10-Sep-2017 **Version 3.4.5**
    Added HTTP SSH Client built into the "Expert" settings
        menus. This SSH client allows the ability to be
        able to connect to Pi-Star's SSH server without
        the need for a seperate SSH client.
        Powered by the excellent "shellinabox" application
        and installed from the Raspbian repositories it
        will be maintained as part of the OS.
    Includes all of the usual upgraddes to the dashboard and the
        Raspbian operating system, including the recent addition
        of the seperate hang timers for all modes.

18-Aug-2017 **Version 3.4.4**
    Dashboard config hardening - there have been reports of
        issues with the configuration page on the dash
        failing when submitting any charicters that are not
        alphanumeric. The code has now been hardened to
        take care of those edge cases and just clean up
        when you do enter charicters that it cannot cope
    P25 SelfOnly - P25 is getting the same Public / Private
        protection mode as D-Star and DMR. All credit to
        Jonathan (G4KLX), although there are some Pi-Star
        patches for it with a pull request submitted upstream.
    Dashboard fixes - various small fixes to the dashboard
        to help reduce the errors logged in the webserver
    Testing USB Max Current - Pi-Star never had this option
        set, I suspect this may be the cause of some of
        the issues with some USB modems.
    Modem support improved - better support for the DV-Mega
        on Arduino modems, plus seperated ZUMspot modem
        options out in preperation for auto firmware
        updates that are coming later.

09-Aug-2017 **Version 3.4.3**
    This one is a game changer, not only does it have the
        new, on-board information from BrandMeister,
        able to show you what TGs / REFs you have connected
        by getting the information directly from the BM
        network, but also...
    From this version forwards, *FULL* updates are available.
        This means that from here on, there should be
        further reduction in the number of times you ever
        need to write an image.
        This is going to be a manual process for the
        remains of the 3.4.x train, with plans for full
        automatic coming later!

29-Jul-2017 **Version 3.4.2**
    Many Dashboard updates adding to existing features and
        also re-skinning and fixing up the existing
        "expert mode" editors.
    Added stm32flash to the base image, this is going to
        used later for flashing the ZumSpot hardware
        in place, although I am not completely ready
        for this yet, this is a step in the right
    DMR_Hosts.txt is now updated automatically on a daily
        shedule, same as the D-Star host files for
        ircDDBGateway. In addition some local over
        ride files are now placed in /root for both
        D-Star hosts and for DMR hosts.

13-Jul-2017 **Version 3.4.1 Respin**
    Rasbian released an update to nginx (the webserver used on
        Pi-Star - this update breaks the install on Pi-Star
        and casuse the dashboard to fail to be available.

        This is a pre-fixed version of the image, with an
        improved version of the update tool to make sure
        we never get hit by this again.

03-Jul-2017 **Version 3.4.1**
    Many updates to the Pi-Star Dashboard...
        The dashboard follows a rolling release, and is updated
    OS Updated as of 03-Jul-2017 including the Kernel updates etc.
        Again the OS also follows a rolling release, so you will
        have all of these updates without needing to replace your
    PiStar-Remote now included, this brings back the RF control options
        for your Pi-Star, similar to those available with the older
        DStarRepeater software, in this release options include:
            RF Killswtich to stop the MMDVMHost process
            Service restart for MMDVMHost
            Reboot of your Pi
        Shutdown is deliberatly missing, this could cause abuse
            issues for repeater keepers, contact me directly if
            you need guidance on adding your own commands.

16-Jun-2017 **Version 3.4.0 Respin**
    No changes in base, just pre-updated with all the leatest updates.

09-Jun-2017 **Version 3.4.0**
    After investigating an issue with XRF D-Star Reflectors and why
        a Pi-Star user had problems connecting to them with Pi-Star
        but could connect without issue on his OpenSpot, I found that
        the OpenSpot uses a different connectivity method, one that
        is less likly to cause network issues due to the outbound
        nature of its connection method. So Pi-Star has also adopted
        the same setup. Thanks OpenSpot guys!
    Update code for the hosts files has been improved to reduce the chance
        of it wiping the hosts files out if they cant be downloaded.
    Hand's Off WiFi now included. This means you can put the file containing
        your WiFi information "wpa_supplicant.conf" into the Pi-Star boot
        folder that is accessible when you create the image, and when the
        Pi-Star boots it will auto connect to your WiFi. This does assume
        that you have a backed up file to restore, but I hope it will
        help some of you.
    Raspberry Pi Zero W WiFi support out of the box, this required the
        Raspberry Pi boot code to be updated.
    Hand's Off Config restore, so if you are updating the SD Card image
        and you have a backup of your config form the Pi-Star dashboard
        you can just drop the ZIP file of your backup into the 'boot'
        partition and when your Pi-Star boots up, it will autoconfigure
        itslef using your backup.
    The issues I have been having with Cron are finally 100% cured in 3.4.0
        I was pretty sure I had already fixed this, but there were still
        some gremlins that are now cleaned up.
    Added CPU temp support in Farenheight.
    Official support for the FriendlyArm NanoPi Neo / Nano Pi Neo Air.    

26-May-2017 **Version 3.3.9**
    The CRON daemon was misconfigured, after some work on it, cron is
        now working the way it should again.
    Dashboard has a number of fixes in it, so as usual the base OS and
        dashboard are updated to the latest and greatest versions.
    WiFi Connection software has been re-written in the dashboard, this
        has the impact of making it more easy to connect to WiFi from
        the config portal in the dashboard.
    Shutdown / Reboot Buttons added to the dashboard.
    Service restart / Log clean up (that was previously handled by
        logrotate, had been replaced with a custom daily script to
        help mittigate the shortcomings of logrotate.
    Factory-Reset option had some broken settings; fixed these up and
        removed the insanity :)
    Removed some breakage from the YSFGateway config where it would drop
        the connected reflector after 10 mins no matter what, this
        turned out to be related to the onboard firewall dropping
        the ACK packets coming back form the connected gateway.
    Given that the above was a problem, I went bug hunting in the P25
        gateway daemon too, and have tried to make sure that the
        same bug will not cause issues with that.
    Swapped the default mode to MMDVMHost for new images - now when you
        setup a brand new Pi-Star it will select MMDVMHost by
        default (changeable of course).
    Removed the broken duplex setup that put every new Pi-Star in Duplex
        mode if you didn't spot it in the dashboard.
    Config backup / restore option added to the dash, to make upgrades
        between Pi-Star versions pain free.

22-May-2017 **Version 3.3.8**
    It's Unusual for me to do a release at the start of the week, but this
        release addresses a bug introduced a few releases back that can
        cause the update process to fail to reposond in the web
        browser, the update process works in the background but no
        information is displayed in the browser window. There is a fix
        for this avilable here: PiStar Wiki.
    Apart from the above update, the latest Dashboard build is included.

19-May-2017 **Version 3.3.7**
    Changes to the update system to simplify the process, every host file
        had its own seperate update script, this ment keeping lots of
        seperate scripts up to date, now I have one script to update them
        all, with more of the complex work happening on the back end.
    ircDDBGateway's service unit/init files updated, ircDDBGateway will now
        only run when you require D-Star Networking.
    Update includes latest 20170519 Dashboard and all OS related updates
        and patches.

13-May-2017 **Version 3.3.6**
    The Base images has the latest OS patches, but most importantly I
        found that I had not installed Samba after the update to
        Jesse-Lite, so name resolution of "pi-star" for windows
        users has been broken for some time. Samba re-added and
        configured again.
    This release contains the newest build of the dashboard (13-May-2017).

02-May-2017 **Version 3.3.5**
    This release has the current OS updates pre-applied, along with the
        most recent build of the dashboard (20170501).
    No significant changes to the base - if you are running Pi-Star 3.3.3
        or newer already there is no need to upgrade to this release.

20-Apr-2017 **Version 3.3.4**
    This release only incorporates dashboard changes, if you are already
        running Pi-Star, there is no need to update. The included
        updates provide a slightly improved experiance when running
        through the configuration for the first time.

18-Apr-2017 **Version 3.3.3**
    Large number of changes on the back end, improving P25 and YSF modes.
        P25 Parrot added and fixed up.
        YSF Parrot added and fixed up.
        Dashboard modifications to enable better support of YSF.
        Dashboard modifications to enable better support of P25.

16-Apr-2017 **Version 3.3.2**
    Minor update process revision to fix a bug with kernel updates.
    Removed Hostfile update dependence on any other servers than
        this one.
    Fixed some minor bugs in P25 mode, P25 still needs some work, but
        the network setup for P25 is nolonger broken.
    Fixed some bugs in the firewall code stopping P25Gateway from being
        able to make outbound connections.

01-Apr-2017 **Version 3.3.1**
    Minor system updates including small modifications to the way the
        OS updates are handled to improve relyability.

10-Mar-2017 **Version 3.3.0**
    Re-written update process - OS Updates are done automatically every
        night, without user intervention - your security assured.
    Dashboard is now updatable without the need for re-imaging your Pi.
        Much like the OS update process, no user intervention is
        required, the Dash will update over night, but there is also
        an update option within the dashboard too.
    Onboard Software auto updated, much the same way as the above, the
        radio software is also now updated. I will roughly track a
        weekly release cycle with MMDVMHost unless there is a major
        reason to release more / less often than that.
    Hostfiles used by ircDDBGateway have been radically over-hauled,
        all host-names are pre-resolved to IP addresses to speed up
        the load time for ircDDBGateway, this has made a huge
        improvement to the load time, files are updated (and re-
        resolved) daily.
    From this point on, Dashboard updates / OS Updates / Radio software
        updates are all automatic, this should reduce the need for me
        to release new Pi Images, and reduce the need for you to keep
        pace with the update cycle.

04-Mar-2017 **Version 3.2.12**
    3.2.11 with its new ability to connect to US-Trust repeaters, caused
        an interesting (if you like that kind of thing) bug that
        make starting the ircDDBGateway software to take a LONG time
        to start up, how long depended on your internet connection.
        for some users, it was just a little slow, for others it
        would take 30 mins or more.

        This has now been resolved, while maintaining the ability to
        connect to US Trust repeaters, and while I was at it I was
        also able to reduce the time it takes for ircDDBGateway to
        start - its quicker than before I added this functionality!

03-Mar-2017 **Version 3.2.11**
    Extended start delay for MMDVMHost to 60 secs - this solves issues with
        the Bluestack board.
    Added daily auto update of D-Star Hosts files;
    Added a new ability to connect to any D-Star Repeater on the US-Trust
        network, even when this node is using OpenQuad. So far as
        I know - no other image has this ability!
        Thank you Adrian (M0GLJ) for coming up with the idea for this one.
    MMDVMHost updated to latest release.
    Jesse-Lite / Kernel updated.

23-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.10**
    Upgraded MMDVMHost to the current version
    Fixed a bug in the Modem Selection code on the dashboard.

18-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.9**
    Modified the Firewall script to account for the numerous ports that YSF Hosts use.

17-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.8**
    Added auto update for DMR Hosts
    Fixed a bug in "D-Star Link Manager" that would allow the local radio
    module to be linked back to itself - not a good idea.

16-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.7**
    Fixed a bug in the config, when not using a UHF Frequency ircDDBGateway
    was *ALWAYS* using the "B" suffix for the module, no matter what.

16-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.6**
    A few minor tweeks to the layout on the dashboard.
    Stopped any of the radio services when the node is not configured.

15-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.5**
    Added free form input to the "Reflector Connector"
    This enables you to use the dashboard to connect to
    *ANY* reflector rather than just the known ones.

13-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.4**
    Added "Factory Reset" Option

12-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.3**
    YSFGateway hosts issue resolved
    Miscilanious spelling / grammar fixes

03-Feb-2017 **Version 3.2.0**
    Minor update of the Brandmeister Server List
    Minor update to the Configure form

02-Feb-2017 **Version 3.1.9**
    Added "Node Type" options to the config section. it
        is now possible to set the node to be locked
        or unlocked from the admin page, previously
        ALL nodes were always locked, as required by
        UK licence conditions.
    Upgraded MMDVMHost to current release.

02-Feb-2017 **Version 3.1.8**
    Fixed minor typo in the configuration page

02-Feb-2017 **Version 3.1.7**
    Dashboard Configuration page tweeks
        Mostly Cosmetic
        DMR Color Code set from Config page

30-Jan-2017 **Version 3.1.6**
    More work on the bug in the config page that could wipe out the MMDVMHost
    Added support for Bluestack

28-Jan-2017 **Version 3.1.5**
    Fixed bug in the config page that could wipe out the MMDVMHost config.

28-Jan-2017 **Version 3.1.4**
    Added DMR+ Support

28-Jan-2017 **Version 3.1.3**
    More uPnP fixed added
    Dashboard BugFixes
    WiFi Bugfixes

27-Jan-2017 **Version 3.1.0**
    Version bump to 3.1.0 to reflect the large amount of changes.
    uPnP has been fixed, the firewall was stopping commnications via the uPnP
    Rasbian upgraded
    MMDVMHost Upgraded
    Dashboard updated, inluding banners for a powercycle when changing modes.
    Admin pannel security hole found / fixed.

26-Jan-2016 **Version 3.0.4**
    Updated Dashboard (New look)
        Dashboard / Config has been very much upgraded
        Removed more bugs
    MMDVMHost upgraded
    Raspbian Upgraded
    P25 Mode added
    P25 Gateway software added
    Service intellengence improved

25-Nov-2016 **Version 3.0.3**
    Updated Dashboard
        JQuery and some added eye-candy.
        Removed a number of coding bugs
    Added on-board support for SSD1306 OLED Displays (128x64 I2C)
    MMDVMHost bumped to 20161124
    Kernel upgraded to Version 4.4.32
    Bumped Pi-Star release to 3.0.3
    Auto Host Key Generation (SSH Server)

02-Nov-2016 **Version 3 Beta Release 2**
    Time Sync fixed
    MMDVM Multi Mode working well with the current DVMega 3.07 Firmware.
    A large number of fixes to the control / admin pannels.
    Rasbian fully ipdated (including kernel fixed for "Dirty Cow"
    Fed up of of auto-link to REF001 C failing when the REF system changes IP?
        Yes me too, so it automatically keeps the information up to date
        no more auto-link failes!
    PiStar-Keeper - Pistar-keeper re-introduced in the next release, additional work
        done with the Pi3 to enable the onboard Bluetooth module without
        breaking DV-Mega hardware :)
    PiStar-Update - fixed :)

15-Aug-2016 **Version 3 Beta Release**
    Total rebuild using Raspbian Jessie-lite
    *EVERYTHING* has been rebilt, so this is concidered a Beta release until I
        confirm that I have the bugs worked out.
    Auto-Upgrades for the OS are not yet re-enabled, but this system is now
        vanilla Raspbian, so even the kernel will be upgraded
        automatically in the future.
    Download size has increased by 100MB, I hope to shrink this down again in
        the future but for now it can stay, its still under 500MB.
    **MAJOR** Dashboard re-write, config re-write etc - adding support for
    Added MMDVMHost bringing DMR support (Including DMR BrandMeister network
    Raspberry Pi 3 support added

    Known issues
        Logging - still working the bugs out, its good but logrotation
            isnt working
        pistar-keeper - not implemented in this release (yet)
        Possible config issues - its mostly tested but needs FULL
        "pistar-update" currently broken

    Flat out failures
        None that I know of...

    STARNetServer does not need to be running all the time, fixed the config file for
         this service and removed it from the normal startup / pistar-watchdog etc.
    New STARNetServer config added to the build process.
    New STARNet init script handles the config properly.
    STARNet dashboard has a bug in it stopping it displaying correct information
        when using multiple STARNet services at once.
    Firewall script was dropping all outbound ircDDB traffic - repaired.
    Kernel upgraded to 4.1.16
    Additional dashboard improvements.
    Added support for USB DVAP modules.

    Automatic patching of the base OS has been enabled.
    WiFi setup via the web portal has been improved.
    Passwords are defaulted when I build the image for distribution (so my Pi
        has been secured finally).
    Improvements and prep for CSS7 (now a requirement on DCS reflectors).
        See here: http://register.ham-digital.net/html/ccs7-ENG.html
        Register here: http://register.ham-digital.net
    Moved the downloads to http://www.mw0mwz.co.uk/pi-star and updated
        links on the image / copyright notice.

    OS upgraded, Kernel upgraded to 4.1.15
    Added a bunch of WiFi drivers that I had missed before, adding support for
        more cards.
    Removed custom support for the Ralink chipset cards (and the custom compiled
        module they required) - these are now in the base OS
    Minor fixes on the web portals.

    Fixed a problem with my firewall code, this was stopping avahi from
        registering the .local addresses on your local network.
    UPnP code updated to a different version, should improve compatibility
        with some routers.

    Added a packet shaper to the firewall code for Pi-Star, this means packets
        destined for the D-Star network will be given increased priority on
        your internal network, that should help if you have a family who use
        your connection heavily for gaming / downloading.